
We all have our ways. This is just one of mine.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The verdict

   Success! Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of
all the products I have made, but I will
share those that I have.

The Sourdough loaves were consumed as soon as they came out of the oven! Luckily I saved a few because being sourdough, they will taste better over time.

                                                          Frozen Chocolate Soufflé

     Very easy recipe. Poured it into the ramekin and froze it for a few hours to make sure it set up. I only had four, so the rest went into a bowl; which is still fine. I like just like to have things portioned individually if possible.

                                                                  Carrot Cake
     This one was a surprise for my mom. Carrot Cake is one of her favorite desserts. Sloppy job on the icing I know. I ran out of icing! The horror! Guess I misjudged the icing to cake ratio I needed.

So yeah, that's all the pictures I have. Haha I've learned that I am not very good with taking pictures before consuming food. It usually hits me during the eating process. "Darn I should have taken a picture of this!" That's usually how it goes. But I'm happy with the way everything came out nonetheless. I'm looking forward to doing something like this again soon. I'm open to suggestions and willing to try new things.

1 comment:

Joy Tilliridou said...

Your bread looks soooo professional!!!