
We all have our ways. This is just one of mine.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The cake is not a lie!

    So I got to take a picture of the cake the hydrangea flowers went on after it was finished.

All but about 30 flowers went on the cake.

    Funny thing is, literally as the cake was finished the customer walked in to pick it up. Talk about last minute! The customer was just really early was all.

   Cake's aren't my thing but they are interesting to do every once and a while. Especially tiered cakes; a lot of planning goes into them.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What's up?

Just made about 200 of these gum paste hydrangea flowers at work! They're decorations that are going on a cake someone ordered. Maybe I'll sneak a pic of the cake if I get the chance.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sugar Daddy

    I created my first sugar sculpture!

    It was a lot of fun pulling the sugar, but obviously it was really hot. Yes those are supposed to be hearts! I had a little trouble blowing them but I'm still happy with the way they came out. The roses were the most tedious to make. They were assembled petal by petal and I had to pull, shape, and attach each petal before they cooled too much.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The verdict

   Success! Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of
all the products I have made, but I will
share those that I have.

The Sourdough loaves were consumed as soon as they came out of the oven! Luckily I saved a few because being sourdough, they will taste better over time.

                                                          Frozen Chocolate SoufflĂ©

     Very easy recipe. Poured it into the ramekin and froze it for a few hours to make sure it set up. I only had four, so the rest went into a bowl; which is still fine. I like just like to have things portioned individually if possible.

                                                                  Carrot Cake
     This one was a surprise for my mom. Carrot Cake is one of her favorite desserts. Sloppy job on the icing I know. I ran out of icing! The horror! Guess I misjudged the icing to cake ratio I needed.

So yeah, that's all the pictures I have. Haha I've learned that I am not very good with taking pictures before consuming food. It usually hits me during the eating process. "Darn I should have taken a picture of this!" That's usually how it goes. But I'm happy with the way everything came out nonetheless. I'm looking forward to doing something like this again soon. I'm open to suggestions and willing to try new things.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weekend of the Baker

     So I decided to go all out on a baking spree for the next two days. My house is the place to be because I’m going to be pumping out baked good after baked good this weekend! So what’s on the menu?

· Sourdough loaves
       o Takes two days so I will be baking it off Sunday
· Challah
       o Baking today for French Toast tomorrow morning
· Cinnamon Rolls
       o  Haven’t decided if I want to make them later today or have them freshly baked for breakfast tomorrow morning.
· Frozen chocolate soufflĂ©s
       o Need to make them today, the faster they get into the freezer the faster they will set up.
· Carrot cake cupcakes
       o Because there’s less guilt than eating a slice of carrot cake!

I’m pretty stoked, I’ll have pics up as I finish.

Food network, Yes....but Cartoons?

        I've also fallen victim to watching cartoons almost religiously. As soon as the TV goes on I usually switch it to either the Food Network or Cartoon Network. Of course, being a foodie I love to watch the Food Network. But I find the stupid humor of the cartoons to be quite entertaining. I may be 21, but I'm a kid a heart! Being picky about my cartoons, I only watch a select few. Some of them include:

Friday, September 16, 2011


Along with console games, I’ve also am a whole hearted MMORPG player. The first step is admitting right? Spent the majority of my High school career dedicated to them. They started out simple, basic controls and simple graphics. But as I got more experience I advanced to more in depth game concepts. Since these games take up a lot of time I haven’t played many. But the lucky few that caught my attention are:

World of Warcraft

Thursday, September 15, 2011


     Even though baking is my passion, I am a big nerd. Video games, cartoons, etc. are big interests of mine. Ever since my father brought home a Nintendo 64 back in the 90s, I was hooked. I mean who else was gonna stop evil from its reign of terror and save the princess? I only own systems produced by Nintendo. Not that I don't want the other systems. I'm happy with what I have right now. I've played all the different genres of video games, but i tend to lean more towards RPGs and adventure. If I'm gonna sit and play a video game for a while, I'd rather go on a quest and explore, rather than toss a ball around. But that's just me. Some of my favorite games: 
Animal Crossing

Harvest Moon

The Legend of Zelda


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Man cannot live on bread alone

        I've decided to make the topic of my blogs to change weekly. Hopefully it'll keep things a bit more interesting.

       What better way to start off a personal blog than to talk about me!? *I know, pretty much anything*

So here goes:

       I am currently a student attending the CIA (the Culinary Institute of America). I'm majoring in Baking and Pastry. Why Baking and not Culinary? Well, I love baking breads. There's just something about bread that draws me to it. The smell of the yeast fermenting, the feel of the dough when shaping, the way it just comes to life in the oven, and obviously, the taste: a few minutes out of the oven, nice crust, warm, soft insides, nothing can beat it. My favorite is sour dough. Spread some goat cheese on it and I’m in Heaven! My goal is to open my own cafe one day and I want to take these freshly baked breads in my cafe and turn them into sandwiches. Nothing could compare to a sandwich made with fresh bread.

      Attending the CIA, I have greatly increased my knowledge of bread baking; and I have barely scratched the surface of it. Below are some pictures of some of the different types of bread I've made here at school. Every three weeks we hold a Grand Buffet and all classes participate in producing for it. It is basically an event to show your fellow students what you have been learning in your class, to say the least.

                                                          Yes I'm a Bread Head.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Shame on me...

Wow, I actually created a Blog. Guess I’ll have to find time for this.
Haha who am I kidding? I’m a college student; I’m going to have to find time away from the computer! >.>

Expression. We all have our ways. This is just one of mine.

Baby steps. That’s what they say isn’t it?
Alter ego? Nah, this is just me…
…needing release.